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A Window to the Past


The history of map-making has been integral to the recording of history since the institution was established. While written accounts are quite telling, a map provides visual information that reveals the greatest concentration of the historical subject. Map-makers at the time probably used these techniques to discover problems within their own communities. This also applies to warfare, a map can make all the difference in any battle strategy. In short, maps are integral to human society.

The Evolution of the Map

When looking into the Hypercities website, I thought about how much the use and creation of maps has evolved. Now, all that is needed is a series of digital photos to create an accurate map. However, what I found most interesting about the site was it’s ability to overlay more historical maps, so that the viewer can get a greater feel for historical events at that time, and see the differences in the advancement of that particular city.


With this type of technology, comparing and contrasting historical information will become much easier to accomplish. Also, by putting it up on the internet, this information will become more accessible to the general populace.

~ by graham19 on October 22, 2012 .

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